August 9, 2009

Follow Mimi and Papa on a research trip!

Ok, one and all, I hope you'll follow Carole Marsh/Mimi and Bob/Papa on our journey to Savannah and Charleston during these hot Dog Days (or is it Hot Dog days?) while I am researching and writing my new Real Kids/Real Places mystery—The "First Shot of the Civil War!" Fort Sumter Mystery, set in Charleston, South Carolina. Today we drove from Peachtree City to Savannah, leaving town as we passed some sad faces heading back to the city TO START SCHOOL! Aw, kids, it won't be that bad! However, glad I am headed to the beach! Bob and I have a home in Savannah's historic district. Each trip down is different: this time the tobacco has turned bright yellow and its lop-eared leaves are a tad droopy. Too bad there is not a great use for tobacco instead of for smoking. DO NOT SMOKE! I am going to experiment to see if I can make paper out of it! We also saw corn as high as an elephant's eye, and cotton plants on guard against boll weevils! Soon they will get little red blooms then white cotton bolls that look like snow. Ok, we're here, sated on South Georgia barbecue and swait tay (sweet tea) and as you can see, first thing I do to you!

1 comment:

  1. Hey Mimi. Love your phrase, "as high as an elephant's eye." Speaking of high and cotton, have you ever heard of the souther phrase about being "in the high cotton"? I wonder where that came from.

    Enjoy Savannah! Can't wait to read more about your trip to Charleston.
